A Special Message from Jen Adams, Director of The Professional Writers’ Alliance
Congratulations! You made the smart move by clicking that button and coming to this invitation page.
We’ve handpicked three essential programs from our extensive catalog that will help you land clients and build your business.
FREELANCE WRITING BUSINESS SUCCESS: The Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Business
Ilise Benun’s EFFECTIVE NETWORKING: The Fastest Way to Win Clients and Grow Your Business
Nick Usborne’s PROFITABLE FREELANCING: The Definitive Guide to Earning More Money as a Freelancer from Day One
And these aren’t all you’ll get as a member of PWA. Those are, in fact, just your “signing bonuses.”
The most important benefits and privileges are yet to come. Take a look…
1) YOU’LL GET a private passkey to our members-only website
You’ll rub shoulders with top copywriters and marketers, plus aspiring pros on the verge of breakthrough success.
You’ll form lifelong friendships to skyrocket your career… eavesdrop on inside advice and information… and get a daily dose of motivation and inspiration.
2) YOU’LL GET special invitations to take part in our live “Ask the Experts” events and “Member Spotlights”
Each month, we invite top freelance copywriters to share their hard-won advice on how to succeed in this business. We also talk to leading marketers who are looking for new writers and ask them for the best way to approach them. And we talk to PWA members who have scored a recent success to find out how they did it.
3) YOU’LL HAVE your spot reserved in our moderated members-only LinkedIn professional group
Throw out ideas and headlines for feedback. Ask other writers how to handle a cranky client. Get advice about handling a tricky situation. The great thing about this group is that you’ll not only rub shoulders with some “A-list” copywriters, but be able to help copywriters less experienced than you, too.
4) YOU’LL GET exclusive access to the brand-new WritersWanted jobs portal, with over 2,000 writing jobs waiting to be filled right now! Plus, your own profile page in PWA’s Directory of Freelance Professionals
When you join the Alliance, you’ll have access to THOUSANDS of carefully curated copywriting and content writing jobs as part of the state-of-the-art WritersWanted job board! This brand-new job board has quickly become THE place to be for copywriters and content writers looking for high-quality writing gigs — full-time, part-time, freelance, in-house, remote, and anything else you’re looking for.
You’ll also get your own page in PWA’s Directory of Freelance Professionals.
Just answer a few questions about yourself and we’ll assemble your page and post it for free. Plus, we’ll drive traffic to it. Because dozens of hungry clients use these resources to look for up-and-coming copywriters they can hire.
5) YOU’LL GET a free monthly subscription to PWA’s News & Notes
On the first day of each month, you’ll receive a free email bulletin jam-packed with news about the writing-for-hire business and how it affects you as a freelance creative professional.
6) YOU’LL GET your official membership card and certificate
Put the membership card in your wallet and hang the membership certificate on your office wall. Plus, you’ll get permission to use the coveted PWA seal on your website, business card, email signature… to declare your professional status on all of your marketing materials.
7) YOU’LL GET your 9 Places to Get Clients NOW special report
This special report shows you nine places you can start getting clients right away AND how to land them, with access to valuable resources tailored to each opportunity. Just decide where you want to start and dive in. You’ll find some of the simplest, most straightforward methods of getting clients here — some of which you’ve probably never considered!
8) YOU’LL GET your own “Alliance Dollars” account
Every time you pay your dues, we take that money — dollar for dollar — and put it in a kind of savings account for you. We call these Alliance Dollars, and they add up pretty fast.
No, you can’t buy your groceries with Alliance Dollars, but you can buy any book, program, course, or webinar in our massive copywriting library, perhaps the largest such resource of its kind anywhere in the world. You can also use them toward live events like AWAI’s annual copywriting Bootcamp.
There is NO LIMIT to the number of Alliance Dollars you can accumulate. Plus, you can use your Alliance Dollars to buy a product that is ALREADY DISCOUNTED, which could give you 25%, 50%, even 75% off the full price!
9) YOU’LL GET a $100 bonus deposited into your Alliance Dollar account every 12 months
Stay with PWA for 12 months, and we’ll deposit an extra hundred bucks into your Alliance Dollar account. We’ll do it again 12 months later… and for every year you remain a member. In other words, you get a $100 “seniority” bonus!
Remember, every dollar you spend on membership dues comes back to you in the form of great books, courses, programs, seminars, and webinars. Which is why we say that membership in PWA is “virtually free.”
So why not give PWA a try for 30 days?
If you do join today, I’ll make you two promises:
First, you’ll never pay more than $58 a month for as long as you remain a PWA member, your dues will be locked in at $58 FOREVER!
Second, you may CANCEL AT ANY TIME and we’ll stop billing your credit card instantly. You can KEEP all the benefits and bonuses you’ve already received — including your Alliance Dollars — and you won’t owe us a penny more.
Fair enough?
Then let me be the first to welcome you aboard as the newest member of The Professional Writers’ Alliance.
To your success,
Jen Adams Director, The Professional Writers’ Alliance
Professional Writers’ Alliance